As an adult, moving is stressful enough. From the chaos of living in a half-furnished home while you prepare for your new place, to dealing with all the paperwork that comes along with it, you have a lot on your plate. Now add a couple of (or even just one!) small children to the mix and things could quickly start to feel overwhelming. Your child is probably feeling the stress as well but doesn’t yet have the coping skills to deal with it effectively.

That’s why we would like to share a few simple strategies we have learned as movers Burnaby trusts to help get you through this transition with small children.


Your Attitude Determines Your Child’s Attitude


Children are extremely perceptive even when they can’t quite communicate what they see. That’s why it’s important to manage your own stress in a positive way so that your child can follow suit. This might mean taking the time to get physical exercise even when things seem chaotic or allowing yourself an hour at the end of the day to de-stress. Whatever you have to do to keep yourself sane, do it!


Instill Security to Keep Meltdowns at Bay


As perceptive as children are, they still need to hear clearly and frequently what is going on and that the upcoming changes will not turn their life upside-down. Make sure your child knows that everyone is going together and will stay together to ease any fears they may have.


Routine is Everyone’s Friend


Small children thrive best with routines. It gives them a sense of control and expectation in their daily lives, so keeping things as similar as possible throughout the transition will do wonders for everyone’s moods.


Keep Communication Open


Your spouse is going to be your biggest sounding board and your most important ally during this time! Taking the time to communicate what is working and what is not, continually throughout the process, will save you a lot of stress when you notice a problem early on.


Physical Symptoms Are Normal


If you start noticing unusual physical symptoms in your child, don’t panic. Because children express negative emotions in different ways than adults, their feelings will often manifest in the form of physical sensations. This may include waking up in the night, wetting the bed and even vomiting. The best thing you can do is to be supportive as they adjust to the new environment.


Unpack Your Child’s Room First


Unpacking their room first will allow them to begin settling in right away. This way your child will also have access to their usual toys and items as soon as possible, giving them a sense of security in an otherwise foreign setting.

As you’ve probably noticed by now, much of the trick to big changes with small children is to simply be present and to keep things as normal as possible. The next few weeks may be more challenging than most, but with proper communication between all family members and a good attitude, you’ll soar through this transition, never to look back! Settling into a new home can be both fun and exciting with the right tools, so make sure to focus on the positive and don’t let the chaos consume you!